Saturday, February 6, 2016

I am Nothing

So, I'm in Africa. My first few days have been different than what I thought they'd be. My team has been learning about how Africa is, as opposed to the way we see it through our "American glasses." We've had our preconceptions challenged, both about Africa and the way we see our mission. I think about the way I've seen the Kingdom of God in the past. I have always seen it as something that we are all waiting for when this life is over. But I've learned that it's more than that. We aren't meant to just sit here and wait, saying that it'll get better when we get to heaven. While that is true that the Kingdom is in heaven, I've learned that God wants us to bring the Kingdom here on earth too. I need to strive to treat others better and make the world better. 
I've been thinking about all the "disappointments" over the past few years that upset me at the time, but led me to where I am today. I think about the relationships that didn't work out, that made me look to God for answers. I think about the jobs I didn't get that would've kept me from listening to God's will for my life, which was to get involved in missions. If these things had happened the way I wanted, I would be comfortable in a relationship and I'd have the job I'd gone to college for. I never would have looked to God. I'd be good on my own. Or so I'd think. I would never have done any searches for mission organizations, I never would have found Experience Mission, I never would have gone to Africa. Thank God for not giving me everything I want. I am forever grateful to Him. Without Him, I am nothing. None of my accomplishments mean anything without Christ. He works through me.

1 comment:

  1. What you have said warms my heart. I pray that many others may take to heart your words and strive to know God's will for their lives.
